Level 5 Diploma in Productivity Improvement Practice

£1500 (Tuition) + £80 ( Registration fee)
Note: Tuition fee is exclusive of VAT
26 weeks
Entry Requirements
There are no formal entry requirements for learners undertaking this qualification though the ability to work at the level indicated is required. Learners must be in a position to demonstrate the requirements of the qualification and have access to required assessment opportunities and relevant resources. This qualification is available to learners aged 19 years or over. For international students an IELTS score of 5.5 is required.
Course Summary
This qualification offers the opportunity for learners to demonstrate an achievement of practical skills, understanding and knowledge required to make a major contribution to a productivity improvement project within their organisation, and to be able to communicate effectively with a range of stakeholders as the project is planned, delivered and evaluated. The Diploma takes the strategic manager pathway, which requires the manager to consider the wider implications of the productivity improvement practice within strategic planning, give consideration to the management of risks and apply innovation and creativity whilst identifying opportunities for improvement as well as the management and leadership of the team. The qualification is relevant to all business sectors and develops knowledge and skills to support the identification, planning and evaluation of productivity improvement practice.
What Will I Study?
• Identification and planning of productivity improvement projects
• Productivity Improvement Project definition and approval
• Data Analysis in support of productivity improvement projects
• Idea development for Productivity Improvement projects
• Productivity Improvement Project Reporting
• Implementation Planning for Productivity improvement projects
• Productivity Improvement Project Implementation
• Productivity Improvement Project Evaluation and Review Strategic Planning
• Risk and Issue Management
• Leadership & Management of Productivity Improvement
• Innovation & Creativity
Progression Opportunities
The achievement of this qualification could support entry on to a Degree Level programme in a Business Management discipline subject to the specific entry requirements of the university.